We Are Here To Help!
Hope Helps is a 501c3 non profit that provides faith based mental health care to families nationwide with low cost options available as funding allows. We also donate faith based mental health resources to various non-profits and provide assistance to mental health professionals in ministry who experience financial challenges.
Nationwide Christian Counseling and Coaching Available through Telehealth
Hope Helps' counselors hold mental health licenses in the states where they reside but counsel adults, children and teens in non crisis situations nationwide through Telehealth because we are employed by a non profit offering faith based counseling. Our life coaches have ICF qualified training and have been screened closely to meet standards created by the International Christian Coaching Institute.
Our approach merges the best evidenced based psychological interventions, coaching strategies, along with Biblical soul care . Our director Michelle Nietert (LPC-S Texas) is a nationally recognized expert in Raising Mentally Health Kids and has been in family ministry for over 30 years. Click here for a list of counselors, specialties and availability. As funds are available families will be carefully screened to make sure they meet criteria with priority given to families where a member is serving in full time ministry.
Our approach merges the best evidenced based psychological interventions, coaching strategies, along with Biblical soul care . Our director Michelle Nietert (LPC-S Texas) is a nationally recognized expert in Raising Mentally Health Kids and has been in family ministry for over 30 years. Click here for a list of counselors, specialties and availability. As funds are available families will be carefully screened to make sure they meet criteria with priority given to families where a member is serving in full time ministry.
Faith Based Mental Health
Resource Donations
Hope Helps donates resources that integrate faith and mental health written by our Executive Director Michelle Nietert to non profit organizations. Examples of these are over 500 copies of Loved and Cherished have been distributed in 2020 and 2021 to Christian foster care agencies and GEMS International ministry.
Plans are in the works for Make Up Your Mind in spring of 2022 to be distributed to faith based women's shelters in the DFW area. If you would like to contribute to this initiative, please contact us for more information. Donations for God I Feel Sad, God, I Feel Scared, and Managing Your Emojis will also be placed in Christian foster care agencies. Click on the PayPal link to donate securely and select which resource you'd like to place in the hands of a child today.
Plans are in the works for Make Up Your Mind in spring of 2022 to be distributed to faith based women's shelters in the DFW area. If you would like to contribute to this initiative, please contact us for more information. Donations for God I Feel Sad, God, I Feel Scared, and Managing Your Emojis will also be placed in Christian foster care agencies. Click on the PayPal link to donate securely and select which resource you'd like to place in the hands of a child today.
Support for Christian Counselors
Adopt a Counselor
Most Christian counselors because of the way their work in private practice is structured are not able to access reasonable cover for short term disabilities. Forbes magazine names mental health professionals as the lowest paid healthcare providers in the country. Hope Helps selects counselors in ministry on an individual basis and helps cover basic needs in times of catastrophic loss or short term illness.
Children and their families are experiencing mental health crises like those our country has never seen before. Hope Helps was created to provide education, intervention, and practical solutions allowing families to receive the direction and help from a Christian perspective that is difficult to access for many.